Friday, March 7, 2008

Learned Lessons

Well, we just finished studying on Anne Frank. I have learned a lot from this. Mrs. Chapman showed us some video scenes from the Holocaust that showed the Jews being put into concentration camps and gathered up by the Nazis. They were treated very poorly. Some Jews were even killed for trying to suggest better ways to do certain things. I can’t imagine why they would do such a horrid thing to these innocent people like you and me. People today still don’t understand that no matter what race or color you are, you should be treated equally.

I think Mrs. Chapman had a purpose for us to learn about this because it brings out a good message. I have realized that we are so fortunate to be in peace today and we are a free country. Anne Frank has been a positive role model to me ever since we read the story. Even though going through hard times still had faith in her heart and looked to the bright side always. The Jews being persecuted for their religion in the Holocaust just brought to my attention that people can make a difference today. If the world can come together and make peace with each other and the world would be a better place to live in. I think that people are good at heart to an extent. We have come a long way since then and our economy has improved but it is not enough for the hatred in the world towards “different” people other than you. I have learned that the Nazis and Hitler in the Holocaust didn’t get that message to clearly. Now it is time that the world takes one step forward to a new life. We can’t change the way people think, but we can make a difference if everyone puts their own bit of faith they have left in this world. The message I got from studying this is that people can hate you and treat you unfairly but do not give up on life and stick with it no matter how hard.


John Cabot said...

Liked yor blog. In my opinion, they just keep getting better and better. Sincerly, Tripp

Jennifer said...

Well written. I agree, we do have a lot here in America, and there's so much hatred out there. We should always find the opportunity to keep doing good deeds in the world.

Mrs. C