Sunday, February 17, 2008

Can America Get Back On Its Feet?

North Korean has dropped a nuclear bomb on America and whipped out the nation. Can America prosper again from such destruction? How? What five occupations would get America going again?

One occupation would be Medical Assistance. There would be so many people in America that need medical assistance because they would be hurt or even dead at that time. So many lives wouldn’t be saved without it. We need this because we need the injured people to live long to help the few left in America to help start it back up.

Another occupation would be a Builder. Builders can help “build” America back up by re-building buildings and other things that have fallen down from the nuclear bomb. Builders would build churches, houses, companies, hospitals, and other buildings to help America and the people that suffered. Builders would be very important to America.

The third occupation would be a farmer. Farmers can grow crops to make food so the people wouldn’t die of starvation. Crops also can be transported from place to place for people to eat. Some plants farmers grow can make medicines for the pharamacists to make for the people that are sick or dying. Farmers can serve a big purpose for the nation.

The fourth occupation would be Transportation Building. That is very important because people need to get around America. Also, like I said with the crops transportation, it would help people get crops anywhere. Transportation can make a HUGE prosperity to America.

The last but not least occupation would Education. Teachers could teach kids across the nation so many things. The kids are the future of the nation and it is best that they know a lot of things and are very smart to keep America going. Teachers can also help kids from choosing right from wrong. Teaching is a very good way to help America prosper.