Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It Is the Best Time of the Year!

Well, Christmas is already here! I am so excited, but at the same time it seems like it is all coming all to fast! People like my mother and father are stressing over this trying to get presents and gifts for everyone. I see people at stores and malls trying to get the things they need and decorating their houses with Christmas trees and wreaths. I hear the Christmas carols on the radio and people singing them in the streets. I feel the warmth of the fire on my back which is so relaxing and the snow falling (if we have any ever again). I smell the sweet smell of the candles of light burning giving off a scent that is soothing. I can taste the Christmas season lurking on us. Then, I get my presents and give my gifts to others. Well, don't get me wrong, I love getting presents and gifts from people. It's just not all about that. Just think of all the people not as fortunate out there in the world. You should always be thankful for what you have and respect it. Christmas is also a time of joy. You and your family might get together and eat, which is always good for me. Like my family, we go in our living room and always read Luke 2:1-20. You might even see family you haven't seen in a while. Some, like my family come all the way down from Charlotte, North Carolina and Nashville, Tennessee or other far away places just to celebrate Christmas. Brothers and sisters come home from college to celebrate Christmas. Also, another good thing about Christmas is NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how important Christmas is. The REAL reason of Christmas that we should all remember and know is the birth of Jesus Christ. That is most important. Think, what might have happened to the world if the birth of the Savior never happened? It is a mystery. Easter is also a very important holiday. Easter is when Jesus rose on the cross after being crucified three days earlier. Just think that Easter would have never happened if Christmas never happened.

Luke 2:10-12

but the angel assured them. "Don't be afraid." he said. I bring you great joy to all people. The Savior-yes, the Messiah, the Lord-has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped with snuggly stripes lying in a manger."

Now, do you see why Christmas is so important? This event happened for a reason and that is why we are so blessed to be here today. That is why we celebrate Christmas time.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

About Me

Hey everybody. My name is Hannalee and im going to tell you about me. To start off i would have to say that im a little crazy at some points. But thats everybody sometimes right? Also, I lOVE TO EAT A LOT OF FOOD BUT I DONT CARE IF I EAT LIKE A MAN ANYWAY! I focus on the positive more than the negative things in life. I have blonde hair and greenish-blue eyes. I like to play sports like Basketball and softball. I love all of my friends. I would not live without them. I love to make someone smile or laugh. You know, I have a lot of weird things about me too. Like popping my elbow. yea it hurts sometimes. but thats oki i guess. So yea this is me, myself, and I. If you have any questions just ask. Bye! Love yall!